Irenic Thoughts

Irenic. The word means peaceful. This web log (or blog) exists to create an ongoing, and hopefully peaceful, series of comments on the life of King of Peace Episcopal Church. This is not a closed community. You are highly encouraged to comment on any post or to send your own posts.


The sense of being unfinished

O God, our hearts are made for thee,
and they shall be restless until they rest in thee!
Augustine of Hippo (354-430)
We’re aware of something we need or lack most of the time.  We’re not complete.  We’re not fully human. 

This sense of being unfinished is pervasive and accounts for a great deal that’s distinctive in us humans.  We then attempt to complete ourselves by getting more education or more money, going to another place or buying different clothes, searching out new experiences. 

The Christian gospel tells us that in and under and around all of these incompletions is God: God is who we need; the God-hunger, the God-thirst is the most powerful drive in us. It’s far stronger than all the drives of sex, power, security, and fame put together.
—the Rev. Eugene Peterson (1932- )

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  • At 4/03/2008 8:45 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    This hunger is very strong, pushing us to move on. To search on for this peaceful and powerful love from God.

    To have faith that we will get there is all we need.


  • At 4/03/2008 9:03 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…


  • At 4/03/2008 11:56 AM, Blogger Chris Jones said…

    It is amazing that we forget many times of the precious gift that Jesus has given us. The ability to share in the Divine life of the Trinity. I fall into the same trap of self improvement and chasing after self-agrandizement.


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